• Visualization Projects

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    Health Data Ethics Map

    This interactive visualisation takes you on a guided journey through the Swiss Personalised Health Network's "Ethical Framework for Responsible Data Processing in Personalised Health Research."


    We developed this interactive user-friendly tool through an iterative methodology. The goal was to highlight the complexity and inter-connected nature of health data responsibilities and rights. Our user-testing results show that visualization can indeed make policy documents easier to understand and, more applicable in practice.


    Explore here: ethicalsystemsmap.hest.ethz.ch/map

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    ETHics Resource Platform

    On the 6th of September 2019, the Health Ethics & Policy Lab launched the ETHics Resource Platform.


    This website compiles ethics content such as case studies, codes and guidelines, laws, and legislation, organisations, new media, and more.


    The goal of this platform is to foster ethics literacy at ETH. Specifically, by encouraging ETH students to learn about ethics in the research environment and to endorse the many ethical resources that can assist students with ethical decision making.


    Link: ethicsrpt.ethz.ch/about

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    Health Data Ethics Digital Platform

    Exhibited at the ETH Digital Health Conference 2018 & the Zurich Digital Festival.


    This installation prototyped visualizing the complex network of values, rights and responsibilities inherent in health data ethics frameworks.


    The concept was to create an experience that embodied the question “how can personal data in health research be used responsibly?” The installation thereby sought to inform users not only about the importance of responsible data processing, but to enable them to physically navigate the pathways formed by the intersection of ethical principles, legal norms and data-driven scientific research.

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    Interactive Ambient Data Shadow Visualisation

    This interactive installation explores the concept of a digital data shadow and my research thereon. Using a Kinect and MaxMSP, the viewer's silhouette is captured and transformed into a projection filled with data contributed by participants. The result is a dynamic, visually representation of how our digital footprints shape our identity. By merging physical presence with digital information, the installation invites contemplation on the complex relationship between individuals and their data.


    The work is an outcome of and was exhibited at the 2018 International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Brussels, the 2018 World Film Festival in Estonia, and the 2017 Conference of the German Anthropological Association (GAA).


    Link: https://vimeo.com/671806731

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    Inhabiting the planet. La Cura

    This information visualisation work was collaboratively created at La Cura Summer School - and explored the question of what is means to "inhabit the planet". We interpreted this topic through an exploration of the semantic and conceptual polarities underlying the notion of 'inhabiting'. We decided to visualise this using social media content (from the public domain), specifically images from Instagram and status updates from Twitter.


    Using this information visualisation one can filter, compose and mix the social media content gathered according to several different terms related to 'inhabiting', as well as according to the emotional analysis of the status updates themselves.


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    Entering the Space of Big Data

    This is the visual outcome of my qualitative research that explored experiences of big data. The purpose of the work is to convey the deconstructive and reconstructive processes in data analysis & to highlight the subjective nature of data interpretation. Text excerpts that can be seen are sourced from semi-structured interviews of people working with big data and data visualisations at La Cura, Italy 2016.


    The work is interactive and is coded with Open Processing. Credit and thanks goes to Generative Gestaltung: Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeron


    Link: https://vimeo.com/187451269


    Published Work

    Please visit Google Scholar for my full list of publications.

    Can digital tools foster ethical deliberation?

    Nature's Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2024. 

    An exploration of digital tools for ethical deliberation, examining their promotion of deliberative processes and their evaluation methods.

    How interactive visualizations compare to ethical frameworks as stand-alone ethics learning tools for health researchers and professionals.

    A JOB Empirical Bioethics, 2023.

    An experimental comparative study was conducted to determine whether an interactive-visual format supports frameworks in transferring ethical knowledge by improving learning, deliberation, and user experience.

    Fostering ethical reflection on health data research through co-design: A pilot study
    International Journal of Ethics Education. 2022.
    This study demonstrates the feasibility of a participatory, design-oriented approach to promote engagement with research ethics among early-career health researchers and highlights key challenges and lessons learned.

    Public engagement with health data governance: the role of visuality.

    Nature's Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2021.

    Based on Gottweis’ analytical framework of argumentative performativity, this paper explores how two European public engagement facilitators construct contending narratives in efforts to make sense of and grapple with the challenges of health data sharing.

    Qualitative analysis of visual risk communication on Twitter during the Covid-19 pandemic

    BMC Public Health. 2021.

    This study’s objective was to determine how visual risk communication was used on Twitter to promote the World Health Organisations (WHO) recommended preventative behaviours and how this communication changed over time.

    Visualising an ethics framework: a method to create interactive knowledge visualisation from health policy documents

    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020.

    This study aimed to visually represent an ethics framework to make its content more accessible to its stakeholders. More generally, we wanted to explore the potential of visualising policy documents to combat and prevent research misconduct by improving the capacity of actors in health research to handle data responsibly.

    Experiences of donating personal data to mental health research: an explorative anthropological study

    Biomedical Informatics Insights. 2018,

    This explorative study investigates the experiences of individuals voluntarily donating their data to mental health research, specifically through the open data initiative OurDataHelps.org, which aims to develop effective suicide prevention tools.

    Entering the space of big data

    The Journal of Visual and Media Anthropology: Augmented Digital Lives: Experiences in Mobility, Big Data, and Robotics. 2017.

    ‘Big Data’ is a communally produced layer of digital documentation that when analysed and categorised often elicits a sense of ‘overwhelmingness’. This paper focuses on the experience of accessing this data both as producer and analyst. The research follows an interdisciplinary groups projects to produce wearable technologies and a collaborative online platform.

    Google a religion
    Digital Environments: Ethnographic Perspectives Across Global Online and Offline Spaces. 2017.

    This research paper explores ways in which the internet has changed the way spirituality and religion are approached. Specifically it looks at the digital religion of The Church of Google - Googlism. This online community, not officially associated with Google, believe “Google is the closest thing to a god that can be scientifically proven.” This paper has been published in the book

    Never wear a watch

    This is the full memoir of my grandfather Neil Glasser MVO: Never Wear a Watch: Entrepreneur Extraordinary. Written from a third person perspective, my own, the story of Neil Glasser, the man who pioneered innovation retailing in the land Down Under, is told in the form of a collection of hilarious and sometimes poignant short stories. From running away to sea as a boy to turning down the Queen's Tea, his life is a page turner.

  • Teaching


    Press for catalogue data
    Ethics Workshop: The Digital Life

    ETH Zurich, since 2019

    This workshop develops critical analysis skills and promotes ethical awareness in the digital age. Students explore fundamentals of ethics, consent, and AI, then apply ethical concepts like fairness and justice to real-world case studies in education, health, media, and more. As the instructor, I designed the course, manage its administration, grade student work (posters and essays), and oversee all digital learning materials.


    "Thanks again for the organizing the course! All discussions were thought-provoking, and it was also very refreshing to directly engage with the lecture contents and other students - an opportunity that is rather rare within my field of studies." - Anonymous student

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    Visuals in Qualitative Research

    EPFL, 2022

    This course explores the use of visuals for both exploratory research and effective communication. It covers defining visuals, visual style, their power, the role of technology/context, principles of attention, accessibility, and tools. Participants learn to transform complex qualitative data into compelling visuals. I designed and taught this course.


    "Your seminar was great! Everyone was really inspired" - Anonymous participant

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    Ethics module

    Cybathalon@School, 2020

    I co-designed this ethics module focused on for highschool students. Through activities like mapping their school route for accessibility, exploring cutting-edge technologies (like BCIs and exoskeletons), and engaging in ethical role-plays, students gain a deeper awareness of disability, inclusion, and the potential for technology to build a more equitable world.

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    Navigating Health Data Ethics

    Online, 2021

    We developed this ETH Zurich online course with the objective to help researchers become familiarised with this SPHN ethical framework along with its key points about responsible usage of health data for research purposes. Through the use of a hypothetical example we aim to highlight how the knowledge in this framework can be applied to your research practice.

  • Films


    My Favourite Scientist

    Short Film, 2021

    ETH Zurich

    This work was collectively made by us PhD students at a D-​HEST Association of Scientific Staff (HAS) Filmmaking for Scientist Workshop. In essence, the film aims to celebrate forgotten women in science.

    ETHics Resource Platform

    Digital Artwork, 2019

    ETH Zurich

    A promotional video for the ETHics Resource Platform - a website collection of ethics resources curated by the Health Ethics & Policy Lab. The aim of the video was to promote student awareness of the platform.

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    Google a Religion

    Documentary, 2016

    NAFA Film Festival, Bergen Norway.

    A machinima documentary about the Church of Google, an online community, not officially associated with Google, that believes Google is the closest thing to a god that can be scientifically proven.



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    Looking Up

    Digital Artwork, 2014

    Cheadle Hall Undergraduate Art Exhibition, UC Santa Barbara

    A poetic visual melange of time, place, space & authors. In splintering the safe, seductive, romanticised recordings of nature, Looking Up is a response to, and a reflection of the digitalisation & democratization of our culture.

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    Can Fairies

    Documentary, 2014

    Annual Undergraduate Video Exhibition, UC Santa Barbara

    Commonly refereed to as 'Can Fairies,' these individuals collect cans from bins, dumpsters, backyards and patios in Isla Vista and recycle them for cash. This is their story.

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    Infinite Deferral of Meaning

    Digital Artwork, 2011

    Art Express, The NSW Art Gallery

    A visual exploration of the linguistic philosophies of postmodern theorists Derrida, Lacan & Lyotard, who explore language as an endless play of signification. Creation begins with an idea. The idea is in the word.

  • Experiences:


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    Digital Methods

    Participant of the Winter School, 2024

    Amsterdam, Netherlands


    I took part in the Digital Methods Initiative's Winter School focused on 'Digital investigation with AI.' This program looked at addressing challenges like disinformation and content moderation, and delved into digital investigative epistemologies, including fact-checking and algorithmic auditing.


    During the workshop, our group investigated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on Twitter, employing tools like 4Cat and various other open-source tools to conduct a digital investigation of best and worst practices.

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    Health Ethics & Policy Lab

    Doctorate and Post Doc, 2018-current

    Zurich, Switzerland


    My research at the Health Ethics & Policy Lab of ETH Zurich creatively investigates the increasing impact of datafication and digitization on health care and health research. Through the use of digital methods and data visualization, my work explores and makes visible the complexities inherent in the health-data-ecosystem,


    We work collaboratively as a lab and are an interdisciplinary and dynamic group experimenting with ideas in health ethics and policy. Our team has expertise in philosophy, social science, clinical medicine, public health, data science, health policy, law.


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    Radical Data Project

    Contributor, 2021-current



    The Radical Data Project is a research project that is also researching what it is. There is a goal. We want to imagine a data science that works for citizens and communities instead of destabilising democracies and selling us more shoes.


    To work out how to do this, we look at what other projects are out there, what are the connections between them and publish our findings. We think it change involves our own interventions and it needs to work across disciplinary boundaries such as art, activism and social science, and involves designing visual metaphors for invisible, complicated software concepts.

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    Co2 Exhibition Coordinator, 2023 

    Zurich, Switzerland


    I am the Project Manager of an upcoming CO2 Exhibition at focusTerra, the Earth & Science Discovery Center of ETH Zurich. The museum provides an interactive and engaging environ­ment for audiences to learn more about the complex processes within and on our planet.


    In my role I manage scheduling and organisation, the concept and design development, the narrative development, installation fabrication and production, and strategising marketing and promotion. I am also responsible for the exhibit's review, and final assessment.

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    Innovations Digital Mental Health

    Speaker at Digital Health Conference, 2017

    Westminster Abbey, London


    I presented my qualitative data study of personal health donation to medical research at the conference Innovation & Strategies for Digital Interventions in Mental Health. The overall aim of the conference was to combine psychiatry, digital technology and culture to discuss and bring innovative positive change for those seeking mental health support.


    It was amazing to see people from different disciplines and backgrounds coming together to share information about innovations in health.


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    La Cura Summer

    Data Visualisation Workshop, 2017

    Florence, Italy


    La Cura Summer was a weeklong exploration of the ubiquitous body in the hyper-connection era. It was an outcome of Salvatore Iaconesi's international project La Cura - open source for cancer. Set along a trans-disciplanary path, the week was composed of theoretical dialogues and meetings, designing and creative conditions and operational development situations.


    The result was an interactive installation shown at La Triennale di Milano, on the 3th and 4th of September during the XXI Triennale di Milano International Exhibition, as part of the “Condividi la Conoscenza” event.

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    Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

    Visual & Media Anthropology Masters, 2016

    Berlin, Germany


    My masters in Visual & Media Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin focused civic engagements with big data and the value structures underlining data usages. My thesis combined digital anthropological methods with phenomenology to investigate digital data shadow donation to the platform Our Data Helps, an open data initiative advancing mental health research using social media data.


    I also worked within the department of Political and Social Sciences as the Student Assistant.

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    You Is Now

    Graphic Designer, 2016

    Berlin, Germany


    With a desire to expand my experience in UX/UI and graphic design I began work at the end of 2015 at You Is Now, a Berlin based incubator founded in 2010 by ImmobilienScout24 for early stage start-ups related to real estate.


    My role involved: Website re-design & development; Wordpress management; Print and online graphic design; creating marketing collateral, advertisements, & collateral.

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    University of Sydney

    Bachelor of Arts & Social Sciences, 2014

    Sydney, Australia


    My Digital Cultures Major critically investigated the social and cultural impacts of new digital media technologies. It combined scholarly critical depth with contemporary relevance.


    My Art History Major examined a wide spectrum of media and art practices; from the canonical forms of painting to video installation, processional ritual to performance art and early prints to land art. This major is highly relevant in today’s image-saturated world as it developed my skills in understanding and interpreting visual communication, expression and innovation.



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    University of California, SB

    Erasmus, 2013-2014

    Santa Barbarara, California


    I had the great fortune of studying abroad for two semesters at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Attending UCSB was a monumental step in growing intellectually, artistically, and socially.


    During my semesters abroad year, I reinforced my admiration for the power of digital art by exhibiting two new works; conquered my fear of performing spoken word poetry and made it a love; represented my university as a host for a Peers potluck; and helped put on the exhibition Perseverance: Japanese Tattoo Tradition in a Modern World at the Japanese National Museum in LA.



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    Communications Coordinator, 2015

    Sydney, Australia


    Since the beginning of 2015 I was the Communications Coordinator at Carriageworks, Australia’s leading multi-arts center. I worked on marketing and communication activities for both the Artistic Program and the Carriageworks Farmers Market. 


    My role involved: communications, website maintenance, marketing, social media; graphic design, exhibition signage, print collateral; developing marketing opportunities & conducting audience research / analytic, and more.

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    Creative Media Coordinator, 2011-2014

    Sydney, Australia


    At Pozible, Australia’s top crowdfunding platform for the arts, I was the Creative Media Coordinator. During my time there the company grew exponentially, with project numbers rising from a few hundred to several thousand.


    My role involved: Campaign consulting; Event planning and coordination (including workshops for hundreds of project creators); Marketing and social media management; Community engagement and development; PR; as well as Administration.


    connect: Email